Dried fish Supply

Dried fish is a popular seafood commodity that has been preserved through the process of drying. It is a good source of protein and nutrients, making it a common ingredient in animal feed. Dried fish is also used in various cuisines around the world and is known for its distinctive flavor and texture.

Agricultural equipment supply

Agricultural equipment refers to machinery, tools, and vehicles used in farming activities to enhance efficiency and productivity. The equipment includes tractors, harvesters, plows, cultivators, planters, and irrigation systems, among others. It plays a crucial role in modern agriculture, helping farmers to accomplish tasks more effectively, increase yields, and reduce labor costs.

Grain and crops supply

As a supplier of agricultural products, we offer a variety of crops, grains, and seeds to our customers. Our products are carefully selected and sourced from reliable suppliers to ensure quality and consistency. We are committed to providing our customers with the best products and services to meet their needs.

Office equipment supply

Our company also supplies a wide range of office equipment, including printers, scanners, copiers, and other essential office electronics. We ensure that all of our products are of the highest quality and offer competitive prices to meet the needs of our customers.

Live stock feed supply

SP Agro Care Ltd supplies high-quality livestock feed that ensures the optimal health and growth of animals. They provide a wide range of feed products for poultry, cattle, fish, and other animals, which are formulated using natural ingredients and advanced nutritional technology to meet the specific dietary requirements of each species.

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SP Agro Care Ltd provides one stop services to your trade and industry

Qualification, Capacity & Expertise

SP Agro Care Ltd (SPACL) places a great emphasis on quality control, ensuring that each product meets their stringent standards. To achieve this, their inspectors verify the quality of mass production based on their Acceptable Quality Limits (AQL). These limits are set to ensure that every product meets their defined standards for functionality, safety and compliance with product specifications and authorized samples. Additionally, they conduct product function and safety tests to ensure that their products are of the highest quality before being released to the market. 

Our commitment to quality control ensures that their customers receive only the best products from SPACL.

Quality Assurance

Architecture, engineering, construction, SPACL follows PDCA cycle or Deming cycle for quality assurance. The phases of this cycle are:

  • Plan
  • Do
  • Check

Act These above steps are repeated to ensure that processes to be evaluated and improved on a periodic basis.

We have worked with

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations that leads international efforts to eradicate hunger, promote food security, and support sustainable agriculture. It was established in 1945 with the goal of increasing agricultural productivity and improving the lives of rural populations. Today, FAO works with governments, organizations, and individuals around the world to help ensure that everyone has access.

World Health Organization (WHO)

WHO, or the World Health Organization, is a specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for promoting health and wellbeing worldwide. Established in 1948, it works towards the prevention, treatment, and control of diseases, as well as promoting healthy living and addressing global health challenges. WHO provides technical assistance to countries and supports the development of health policies and systems.

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